Introducing Xano Actions
Build and share reusable visual building blocks
Xano Actions are reusable visual functions that serve as the building blocks for any workflow. Easily connect to various third-party services and modify the business logic to fit your unique use case.
Browse and discover actions created by the community. Test them directly without logging in.
Build your own custom Actions and share them with anyone.
Easily install Actions into your Xano workspace and integrate them seamlessly into your workflows.
Explore Xano Actions
QuickBooks -> Create Payment
OpenAI -> Create a Chat Completion
Paginate array
OpenAI -> Get embeddings
John Carmack Fast inverse Square root algorithm
Slack -> Send Channel Message
Postmark -> Send Batch Emails
xAI -> Create a Chat Completion
Hubspot -> Create Contact
Brevo -> Send Email
Hubspot -> Get Contact
Whatsapp -> Send Message
Claude AI -> Ask a Question
Postmark -> Send Email With Template
Hubspot -> List Deals
Hubspot -> List Contacts
OpenAI -> Describe an Image from a URL
Postmark -> Send Single Email
OpenAI -> Summarize
Hubspot -> Update Deal
OpenAI -> Generate an image
Hubspot -> Create Deal
Hubspot -> Update Contact
Hubspot -> Get Deal
Convert API -> Convert File