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Function Documentation: Brevo → Send Single Email Brevo API documentation Overview This function sends a single email using the Brevo (Sendinblue) API with HTML content. It requires inputs such as the API key, sender and receiver details, email content, and subject. The function validates and processes the input before making a request to the Brevo API. Inputs brevoapikey (registry/text) Required Description: API key for authenticating with Brevo API. Example: xkeysib-... from (object) Required Description: The sender's email address. Example: sender@example.com to (object) Required Description: The recipient's email address. Example: receiver@example.com message_html (text) Required Description: The HTML content to be sent. Example: <html><body><h1>Hello</h1></body></html> subject (text) Required Description: The subject of the email. Example: Welcome to our service! Function Stack Try / Catch Block Precondition: Check Valid HTML Content Description: Ensures the HTML content for the email is valid before proceeding. API Request to Sendinblue API Request to https://api.brevo.com/v3/smtp/email Purpose: Sends the email using the Brevo (Sendinblue) API. Return Value: The API response is stored as api_response. Create Variable: response Variable: var: response = var: api_response.response.result Purpose: Stores the API response for the SMS send operation. 2 Error Handling (Catch) Create Variable: response Purpose: If the API call fails or returns an error, this block catches the error and provides an error message. Response The function returns the result of the email send operation, including status and any relevant messages. Success Response `json { "messageId": "<202410100.1236169*@smtp-relay.mailin.fr>", } ` Error response `json { "message": "Key not found", "code": "unauthorized" } ` Example Input `json { "from":{ "from_name":"John", "from_email":"sohansakhare**@gmail.com" }, "to":{ "to_name":"David", "to_email":"sajankumar.*@unicoco*.com" }, "email_html":"<html><head></head><body><p>Hello world</p></body></html>", "subject":"abc" } ` Output `json { "messageId": "<202410100.1236169*@smtp-relay.mailin.fr>" } `
Updated 19 hr ago
Function Documentation: Brevo → Send SMS Brevo API documentation Overview This function sends an SMS using the Brevo (Sendinblue) API. The function requires inputs such as the API key, sender name, recipient's phone number, and the message content. It processes the inputs and sends the SMS via an API request to Brevo. Inputs brevoapikey (registry/text) Required Description: The API key used for authenticating the Brevo (Sendinblue) API. Example: xkeysib-... sender_name (text) Required Description: The name of the sender that appears on the recipient’s phone. Example: CompanyName recipient_number (text) Required Description: The phone number of the SMS recipient. Example: +1234567890 message (text) Required Description: The content of the SMS. Example: Your OTP is 123456. Please use it to verify your account. Function Stack Try / Catch Block API Request to https://api.brevo.com/v3/transactionalSMS/sms Purpose: Sends the SMS via the Brevo API with the provided inputs. Return Value: The API response is stored as api_response. Create Variable: response Variable: var: response = var: api_response.response.result Purpose: Stores the API response for the SMS send operation. 2 Error Handling (Catch) Create Variable: response Purpose: If the API call fails or returns an error, this block catches the error and provides an error message. Response The function returns the result of the SMS send operation, including success or error messages from the Brevo API. Success Response `json { "reference": "ab1cde2fgh3i4jklmno", "messageId": 1511882900176220, "smsCount": 2, "usedCredits": 0.7, "remainingCredits": 82.85 } ` Error Response `json { "message": "Key not found", "code": "unauthorized" } ` Example Input `json { "sender_name":"John Doe", "recipient_number":"918327705**", "message":"Hello world" } ` Output `json { "reference": "ab1cde2fgh3i4jklmno", "messageId": 1511882900176220, "smsCount": 2, "usedCredits": 0.7, "remainingCredits": 82.85 } `
Updated 1 day ago
Function Documentation: Claude AI -> Ask a Question Claude AI API documentation Overview This function sends a message request to the Claude AI API using the provided API key, prompt, and token limit. The function captures the response from the Claude API and returns it. Inputs claudeapikey (registry/text) Required Description: The API key used to authenticate requests to the Claude AI API. Example: claudeapiabc123 prompt (text) Required Description: The prompt or message that you want to send to Claude AI as role user. Example: What is the capital of France? max_token (integer) Required Description: The maximum number of tokens to be used for generating the response, Default - 1024. Example: 1024 assistant_prompt (text) Optional Description: The prompt or message that you want to send to Claude AI as role assistant. Default - As an enthusiastic assistant, provide clear and understandable responses. Example: `As an enthusiastic assistant, provide clear and understandable responses Function Stack Try / Catch Block Group: Claude API Request API Request to https://api.anthropic.com/v1/messages Purpose: Sends the prompt to the Claude AI API with the API key, prompt, assistant prompt, and token limit. Return Value: The API response is stored as api_response. Example: ` json { "model": "claude", "message": [ { "role": "user", "content": "prompt" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "assistant_prompt" } ] } ` Create Variable: response Variable: var: response = var: api_response.response Purpose: Stores the API response, including the message generated by Claude AI. 2 Error Handling (Catch) Create Variable: response Purpose: If the API call fails or returns an error, this block catches the error and provides an error message. Response The function returns the result of the Claude AI message generation, including the generated text. Success Response `json { "id": "msg_01H4x**", "type": "message", "role": "{role}", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Neural networks are a type of machine learning algorithm ..." } ], "model": "claude-3-opus-20240229", "stopreason": "endturn", "stop_sequence": null, "usage": { "input_tokens": 23, "output_tokens": 219 } } ` Error Response `json { "type": "error", "error": { "error": "authentication_error", "message": "invalid x api key." } } ` Example Input `json { "prompt": "{prompt}", "maxtokens": "{maxtoken}", "assistantprompt": "{assistantprompt}" } ` Output `json { "id": "msg_01H4x**", "type": "message", "role": "{role}", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Neural networks are a type of machine learning algorithm ..." } ], "model": "claude-3-opus-20240229", "stopreason": "endturn", "stop_sequence": null, "usage": { "input_tokens": 23, "output_tokens": 219 } } `
Updated 1 day ago
Function Documentation: Convert Api -> File Convert Convert API documentation Overview This function stack handles file conversion using ConvertAPI. The function allows users to input a file URL, specify the fromformat, toformat, and file_url and returns the converted file's URL. Inputs convertapikey (registry/text) Required Description: The API key used for authenticating the Convert API. Example: xkeysib-... from_format (enum) Required Check Valid Format: Description: The format to convert from (e.g., png, jpg, pdf, doc, xls, csv). Example: pdf to_format (enum) Required Description: The format to convert to (e.g., png, jpg, pdf, doc, xls, csv). Example: jpg file_url (text) Required Description: The URL of the file to be converted. Example: https://example.com/sample.jpg Function Stack Try / Catch Block Precondition: Checks File Format Description: It checks from format should be same as to format. API Request to https://v2.convertapi.com/convert/{fromformat}/to/{toformat} Purpose: Converts the file from the fromformat to the toformat using the file URL. Return Value: The API response is stored as api_response. Create Variable: response Variable: var: response = var: api_response.response.result Purpose: Stores the API response for the convert api . 2 Error Handling (Catch) Create Variable: response Purpose: If the API call fails or returns an error, this block catches the error and provides an error message. Response The function returns the URL of the converted file from ConvertAPI, including success or error messages. Success Response `json { "ConversionCost": 1, "Files": [ { "FileName": "0266554465.pdf", "FileExt": "pdf", "FileSize": 63923, "FileId": "wtj3krv14y87qzcoptgr9ytoj4a8evqx", "Url": "https://v2.convertapi.com/d/wtj3krv14y87qzcoptgr9ytoj4a8evqx/0266554465.pdf" } ] } ` Error Response `json { "code": "invalid_parameter", "message": "Unable to convert file. The provided file format is not supported." } ` Example Input `json { "from_format": "pdf", "to_format": "jpg", "file_url": "https://example.com/sample.pdf" } ` Output `json { "ConversionCost": 1, "Files": [ { "FileName": "0266554465.pdf", "FileExt": "pdf", "FileSize": 63923, "FileId": "wtj3krv14y87qzcoptgr9ytoj4a8evqx", "Url": "https://v2.convertapi.com/d/wtj3krv14y87qzcoptgr9ytoj4a8evqx/0266554465.pdf" } ] } `
Updated 1 day ago
Function Documentation: Docusign -> Sign Document Docusign API documentation Overview This function facilitates sending documents for signature using the DocuSign API. It requires inputs such as the API key, file, recipient's email and name. The function validates the inputs and processes the request by making an API call to DocuSign, ensuring that the document is delivered to the recipient for electronic signature. Once signed, the function retrieves the signed document and provides status updates on the signing process. Inputs docusignjwttoken (registry/text) Required Description: The JWT token used to authenticate requests to the DocuSign API. Example: jwttokenabc123 file (file resource) Required Description: The file resource to be sent for signing. Example: contract.pdf account_id (text) Required Description: The DocuSign account ID associated with the signer. Example: 12345 documents_id (text) Required Description: The document ID for the file to be signed. Example: doc_67890 email_subject (text) Required Description: The subject of the email sent to the signer. Example: Please sign this document. signer_name (text) Required Description: The name of the signer. Example: John Doe signer_email (email) Required Description: The email address of the signer. Example: johndoe@example.com file_extension (enum) Required Description: The file extension of the document being sent. Example: pdf document_name (text) Required Description: The name of the document being sent for signature. Example: Contract_Agreement Function Stack Try / Catch Block Get File Resource Data From: input: file Purpose: Retrieves the file data to be sent to DocuSign. Return Value: The file data is stored as filedata. Group: Docusign API Request API Request To: https://app.docusign.com/restapi/v2.1/accounts/{account_id}/envelopes Purpose: Sends a request to the DocuSign API to create an envelope for signing. Return Value: The API response is stored as api_response. Create Variable: response Variable: var: response = var: api_response.response.result Purpose: This stores the response from the DocuSign API, such as the envelope ID and status of the request. 2 Error Handling (Catch) Create Variable: response Purpose: If the API call fails or returns an error, this block catches the error and provides an error message. Response The function returns the result of the DocuSign API request for document signing. Success Response `json { "envelopeId": "fb4d88f8-a685-4943-a060-5**", "uri": "/envelopes/fb4d88f8-a685-4943-a060-5a49bc14f538", "statusDateTime": "2024-10-09T07:26:20.1570000Z", "status": "sent" } ` Error response `json { "type": "error", "error": { "code": "invalid_document", "message": "The provided document is invalid or missing." } } ` Example Input `json { "docusignjwttoken": "{jwt_token}", "file": "{file}", "accountid": "{accountid}", "documentsid": "{documentsid}", "emailsubject": "{emailsubject}", "signername": "{signername}", "signeremail": "{signeremail}", "fileextension": "{fileextension}", "documentname": "{documentname}" } ` Output `json { "envelopeId": "fb4d88f8-a685-4943-a060-5a49bc1**", "uri": "/envelopes/fb4d88f8-a685-4943-a060-5a49bc14f538", "statusDateTime": "2024-10-09T07:26:20.1570000Z", "status": "sent" } `
Updated 1 day ago
Function Documentation: QuickBooks -> Create Payment Quickbooks API documentation Overview This function creates a payment in QuickBooks by making an API call. It uses the QuickBooks API with the provided realm ID, amount, and consumer reference. This action works on production environment only, for sandbox environment refer documentation at https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/qbo/docs/api/accounting/all-entities/payment#create-a-payment. Inputs quickbooksrealmid (registry/text) Required Description: The QuickBooks realm ID associated with the account. Example: quickbooksrealmabc123 amount (decimal) Required Description: The amount of the payment to be created. Example: 100.50 consumer_ref (integer) Required Description: A reference number associated with the consumer. Example: 12345 quickbooksapitoken (registry|text) Required Description: The JWT token used to authenticate requests to the quickbooks API. Example: xkeysib-... Function Stack Try / Catch Block QuickBooks API Call API Request to https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company/{quickbooksrealmid}/payment Purpose: Sends a payment creation request to QuickBooks using the realm ID, amount, and consumer reference. Return Value: The API response is stored as response. Response Variable Variable: var: response = var: quickbooksapiresponse.response Purpose: Captures the response returned by the QuickBooks API. Error Handling (Catch) Create Variable: response Purpose: Catches and handles any errors that occur during the QuickBooks API call and logs the error message. Response The function returns the result of the QuickBooks payment creation. Success Response `json { "Payment": { "CustomerRef": { "value": "20", "name": "Red Rock Diner" }, "DepositToAccountRef": { "value": "4" }, "TotalAmt": 25, "UnappliedAmt": 25, "ProcessPayment": false, "domain": "QBO", "sparse": false, "Id": "150", "SyncToken": "0", "MetaData": { "CreateTime": "2024-10-11T07:17:33-07:00", "LastUpdatedTime": "2024-10-11T07:17:33-07:00" }, "TxnDate": "2024-10-11", "CurrencyRef": { "value": "USD", "name": "United States Dollar" } }, "time": "2024-10-11T07:17:32.610-07:00" } ` Error Response `json { "type": "error", "error": { "code": "paymentcreationfailed", "message": "Failed to create the payment due to an invalid realm ID." } } ` Example Input `json { "quickbooksrealmid": "{quickbooksrealmid}", "amount": "{amount}", "consumerref": "{consumerref}" } ` Output `json { "Payment": { "CustomerRef": { "value": "20", "name": "Red Rock Diner" }, "DepositToAccountRef": { "value": "4" }, "TotalAmt": 25, "UnappliedAmt": 25, "ProcessPayment": false, "domain": "QBO", "sparse": false, "Id": "150", "SyncToken": "0", "MetaData": { "CreateTime": "2024-10-11T07:17:33-07:00", "LastUpdatedTime": "2024-10-11T07:17:33-07:00" }, "TxnDate": "2024-10-11", "CurrencyRef": { "value": "USD", "name": "United States Dollar" } }, "time": "2024-10-11T07:17:32.610-07:00" } `
Updated 1 day ago