Does No Code Mean No Software Engineers?

By Xano | September 20, 2021

Does No Code Mean No Software Engineers?

No code development platforms are on the rise. According to Forrester, the industry will grow from $3.8 billion to $21.1 billion in 2022. Inevitably, the rise of any new technology sparks concerns over the potential for lost jobs. No code platforms have left many software engineers worrying they are poised to become obsolete.

While no code development platforms do empower the less tech-savvy to build and maintain their own applications, they are in no way a replacement for traditional programmers. Not only will businesses and start-ups still require robust tech teams, no code platforms may actually help make the lives of software engineers easier.

No Code Platforms: The Basics

No code platforms use a visual development interface to allow even those without previous coding experience to build applications. They are similar to sites like WordPress and Squarespace, which provide templates that allow anyone to create a website.

In theory, no code platforms mean anyone can build an application, which could potentially threaten the livelihoods of software engineers and programmers in general. However, an IT team is still necessary, and a quality no code platform can even help your team grow.

The Benefits Of No Code Platforms For Software Engineers

No code platforms are not designed to eliminate software engineers or the need for coding. In fact, they actually provide many benefits to programmers.

No code platforms significantly reduce the need for more monotonous coding tasks including writing and rewriting code for generic products and features. Instead, you work with a library of configurable components at your fingertips. This means a task that would normally take weeks can be done in days, and tasks that would require months of work can be completed in a week or less.

No code platforms also mean more collaboration between teams. Not every entrepreneur or CEO has extensive tech experience, so there is often a slight disconnect between the IT department and the rest of the company. With no code platforms, business users can contribute to the software development process and communication between teams becomes more transparent.

A lot of issues with application development come from small human errors written into codes. Even changing basic functions can derail an application for a few days as developers try to identify and correct the bug. No code development platforms take coding out of the equation for many basic tasks required to build an app by removing the possibility of human error. This means you will spend a lot less time dealing with tedious bug fixes.

This brings us to our last and maybe most important point. No code applications mean you will not spend as much time coding basic features like CTA buttons, work that can feel dull and repetitive over time. This frees you up to get more creative with your coding and work on more pressing projects, like creative innovative solutions for company bottlenecks. No code platforms do not just make the work of software engineers easier, but they can even make your job more enjoyable.

Why Software Engineers Are Still Necessary

While no code platforms have many benefits, they also come with certain limitations, so the gaps must be filled by software engineers.

Simple out-of-the-box solutions are easy to create with no code platforms, which often applies to internal systems that streamline operations within your own company. However, rigid templates can often limit what you build, and edge cases are more or less inevitable. For customer-facing software, no code platforms may not always have the capabilities you need.

In other words, not every application is suitable for no code development. This means companies will still need software engineers on their payroll. Rest assured, developer jobs will remain in demand, even as no code platforms become more prominent.

The Bottom Line

Do not think of no code platforms as the enemy. While anyone can theoretically build an application using these new technologies, you still need a fundamental understanding of software engineering to deal with unforeseen problems.

Software engineering jobs will remain secure for the foreseeable future and, if anything, no code platforms could make your life easier. They eliminate many extraneous tasks and allow you to make small tweaks quickly and easily, freeing up your time to work on more engaging projects. They also allow business leaders without tech expertise to work with you during application development, streamlining communication overall.

Looking for solutions for your company? Xano is the fastest No Code Backend development platform on the market. We give you a scalable server, a flexible database, and a No code API builder that can transform, filter, and integrate with data from anywhere. Sign up here to get started.

The post Does No Code Mean No Software Engineers? appeared first on Xano.

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