Releases And Snippets

Functions: Data Transformation and Business Logic


Welcome to the world of Xano, where no-code development becomes a breeze! In this guide, we'll dive into the heart of Xano's API Builder - the Function Stack. This powerful feature allows you to create complex business logic and transform data seamlessly, without writing a single line of code. Let's get started!

Understanding the Function Stack

The Function Stack is the inner workings of your API endpoints, background tasks (cron jobs), and custom functions in Xano. It's where the magic happens! Here's a quick overview of the three main components:

  1. Inputs or Query Parameters: These are the parameters you can pass to your API endpoint or function.
  2. Function Stack: This is where you define the series of operations or functions that will process your data.
  3. Response: The final output or result of your API endpoint or function.

Adding Functions to the Stack

To add a new function to your Function Stack, simply click the "+" button (either the one to add a new entry below or the one at the bottom). This will reveal a list of function categories available in Xano. Let's explore them!

Database Request Functions

These functions interact with your database, allowing you to query, edit, add, or delete records. Some examples include:

  • Query All Records: Retrieve multiple records from your database with filtering and joining capabilities.
  • Get Single Record: Fetch a single record based on specific criteria.
  • Edit Record: Update an existing record in your database.
  • Add Record: Insert a new record into your database.
  • Add or Edit Record: A powerful function that either updates an existing record or creates a new one if it doesn't exist.

Data Manipulation Functions

This category includes functions for working with variables, objects, conditional statements, loops, and array manipulation. Here are a few highlights:

  • Store in Variable: Store data in a variable for later use.
  • If-Then Statement: Execute different logic based on specified conditions.
  • For Loop: Iterate over a list or array of data.
  • Array Functions: Perform various operations on arrays, such as filtering, mapping, and reducing.

Data Caching Functions

Available on Xano's dedicated resource plan, these functions leverage Redis to cache data efficiently. They're particularly useful when working with external APIs or large payloads.

Cryptography Functions

Need to encode data or create tokens? This category has got you covered with functions for encoding, decoding, and cryptographic operations.

Custom Functions

Xano allows you to create reusable logic by defining custom functions. These functions have the same structure as API endpoints (inputs, function stack, and response) but can be called from anywhere in your workspace, whether it's an API endpoint, another custom function, or a background task.

Utility Functions

This diverse category includes functions for enforcing preconditions, setting HTTP headers, calculating distances, and more. It's a treasure trove of handy utilities!

Content Upload Functions

If you need to create metadata for images, videos, or attachments to be stored in your database, or if you're working with raw image data from an external API, this category has the functions you need.

External API Request Function

With Xano, you can integrate with any third-party API using this function. You can import the cURL command or build the API call directly within Xano.

Passing Data between Functions

One of the most powerful aspects of Xano's Function Stack is the ability to pass data between functions. Each function returns its output as a variable (e.g., `return as category`), and you can pass this data to subsequent functions in the stack. This allows you to transform and manipulate data precisely as needed, making it easier to work with different tools and APIs.

Leveraging Filters for Data Transformation

In addition to the Function Stack, Xano offers a library of filters for on-the-fly data transformation. These filters provide a wide range of capabilities, from formatting data to performing complex operations. Check out Xano's documentation and tutorials to learn more about using filters effectively.


Whether you're a no-code enthusiast, a citizen developer, a traditional developer, or part of a startup or small business, Xano's Function Stack empowers you to build and deploy backend services for web and mobile applications without writing code. With its visual interface and comprehensive set of functions, you can design data models, create APIs, set up authentication and authorization, and more.

Remember, this guide is just the tip of the iceberg. Xano's documentation and tutorial resources provide in-depth information and use cases for each function category. Start exploring today and experience the power of no-code development with Xano!

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