
How to use Xano with Bubble and why you would want to


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on using Xano as a scalable and feature-rich no-code backend for your Bubble applications. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of integrating Xano with Bubble, enabling you to supercharge your app development experience.

What is Xano?

Xano is a no-code platform that allows you to build and deploy powerful backend services for web and mobile applications without writing a single line of code. It provides a visual interface for designing data models, creating APIs, and setting up authentication and authorization. With Xano, you can enjoy a scalable managed server, flexible database, and a no-code API builder, all designed to streamline your backend development process.

Why Use Xano with Bubble?

While Bubble is an excellent all-in-one solution for building web applications, there are several compelling reasons to consider using a separate no-code backend like Xano alongside it:

  1. Best Practice: It's considered best practice to have a separate unified backend to service multiple front-ends. This approach allows you to share data and business logic across different applications, such as a web app built with Bubble, a native mobile app, or an admin portal.
  2. Co-development Made Easy: By separating your frontend and backend workflows, you and your team can focus on specific areas of expertise without getting bogged down by complex, convoluted code.
  3. Data Transformation and Integration: Xano specializes in integrating with and transforming data from various external services, allowing you to serve data to your front-end in the way you desire.
  4. Built for Scale: Xano is built from the ground up to provide a scalable and secure infrastructure, ensuring your application can grow seamlessly from an MVP to a large-scale production environment without needing to restart from scratch.

Step 1: Importing Data from Bubble to Xano

To get started, you'll need to import your data from Bubble into Xano. There are two primary methods for achieving this:

Method 1: CSV Import

  1. In Bubble, navigate to the "Data" tab and select the data set you want to export.
  2. Choose the "Export" option and select "CSV" as the export format.
  3. In Xano, go to the "Database" tab and click "Add Table."
  4. Select the "Import" option and either drag and drop or browse for the CSV file you exported from Bubble.
  5. Review and customize the table schema as needed, and then click "Upload" to import the data.

Method 2: Bubble Data API

This method is recommended for larger data sets and allows you to set up an automated flow for importing data from Bubble to Xano.

  1. In Bubble, enable the "Data API" under the "Settings" tab and copy the provided API root URL.
  2. In Xano, create a new API endpoint or function.
  3. Add an "External API Request" function and paste the Bubble Data API root URL, followed by the specific data set you want to import (e.g., `/companies`).
  4. Create a new table in Xano with the appropriate schema to match the data set you're importing.
  5. Use a "For Each" loop to iterate through the API response and map the data to the corresponding fields in your Xano table using the "Add Record" function.
  6. (Optional) Convert the API endpoint to a function and schedule it as a background task in Xano to run periodically, ensuring your data stays synchronized.

Step 2: Connecting Xano's API to Bubble

Once you've imported your data into Xano, you can connect Xano's API to Bubble, enabling seamless communication between the two platforms.

  1. In Bubble, install the "API Connector" plugin.
  2. Add a new API and provide a name (e.g., "Xano").
  3. In Xano, copy the endpoint URL for the API you want to connect (e.g., `GET /companies` or `POST /companies`).
  4. In Bubble's API Connector, paste the copied URL and configure any necessary headers or parameters.
  5. For `POST` requests, provide the request body with dynamic values mapped to the corresponding fields in your Xano data model.
  6. Save your changes, and you can now use Xano's API within your Bubble workflows and front-end logic.

Additional Resources and Support

Xano provides a wealth of resources and support to help you succeed in integrating Xano with Bubble:

  • Weekly Office Hours and Orientation: Join Xano's team for live sessions where you can get help, ask questions, and learn more about using the platform.
  • YouTube Tutorials: Explore Xano's YouTube channel for a variety of tutorials covering advanced features, data transformations, and integrations with various tools, including Bubble.
  • Twitter: Follow Xano on Twitter (@NoCodeBackend) for updates, announcements, and the ability to reach out to the team directly.

With Xano as your no-code backend, you can unleash the full potential of your Bubble applications, benefiting from scalability, flexibility, and seamless integration capabilities. Dive in and start building today!

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