
Improved Workspace Search


At Xano, we're constantly striving to enhance your development experience and make it easier for you to build and deploy your applications. In our latest release, we've introduced exciting improvements to the workspace search feature, designed to accelerate navigation and development within your workspace.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Filtering

One of the most significant additions is the ability to use keyboard shortcuts to access the search bar quickly. You can now open the search bar using the command or control + K shortcut, making it easier to find what you need without having to navigate through menus.

Once you're in the search bar, you'll see a list of suggestions based on your recent history, allowing you to quickly revisit areas of your application you've worked on recently.

But that's not all! We've also introduced filtering capabilities to help you narrow down your search results. Let's say you're specifically looking for an API endpoint, but your search is also returning tables and functions with similar names. You can now filter your search by adding a special character prefix before your search term.

To see a list of all available filters, simply type a question mark (?) in the search bar, and a help menu will pop up, listing all the special character prefixes and the filters they apply.

For example, if you want to search for an API group or endpoint, you can add a forward slash (/) before your search term, and the results will be filtered to show only API groups and endpoints.

Shortcut Commands: Supercharging Your Workflow

One of the most exciting additions to the workspace search is the introduction of shortcut commands. These commands allow you to perform actionable tasks directly from the search bar, supercharging your workflow and making it easier to interact with the Xano interface.

To access the shortcut commands, use the keyboard shortcut command + shift + K, which will open the search modal with the search command filter already applied. You'll then see a list of all available commands for the current page you're on.

For instance, if you're in the functions stack, you might want to quickly open the run and debug panel. Or, if you're in the database and need to add a new row, you can use the shortcut command to do so without navigating through multiple menus.

Similarly, if you're on a list page and need to add a new endpoint or update the settings, you can use the shortcut commands to easily open those panels and settings directly from the search bar.

Enhancing Your Development Experience

These improvements to the Xano workspace search and command features are designed to help you navigate and interact with your workspace more efficiently. By providing keyboard shortcuts, filtering options, and shortcut commands, we aim to streamline your workflow and make it easier for you to focus on building and deploying your applications.

Give these new features a try and let us know what you think. We're always striving to improve your development experience, and your feedback is invaluable in helping us shape the future of Xano.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and enhancements in future releases. Until then, happy coding!

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