Visual development

The next evolution in software creation

The terms "no-code" and "low-code" have become ubiquitous in the tech world, promising democratization of software development and rapid application delivery.

Visual Development

The evolution of today's existing development terminology

The term "visual development"

What are the main benefits of visual development vs no-code/low-code solutions?

Why use Xano as a tool for visual development?


these buzzwords now carry significant baggage, often evoking images of limited functionality, inflexible platforms, and solutions that fall short of enterprise-grade expectations. Furthermore, oftentimes the term “no-code” sounds like it means there’s no developer involved, which is a recipe for disaster.

Progress of No code

Breaking sterotypes

As the technology evolves and tools become more sophisticated, it's time to reassess our terminology and, more importantly, our thinking around this transformative approach to software creation.

The reality is that modern no-code and low-code platforms are capable of far more than their labels suggest, and the language should reflect this evolution.

Enter visual development

"Visual development" is a more mature and inclusive term, and these platforms meet the demands of professional-grade development environments. They enhance traditional text-based development with the power of a visual interface.

Enter visual development

The evolution of today's development terminology

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1. Traditional coding

This approach requires extensive programming knowledge and can be time-consuming.

2. No-code platforms

No-code platforms democratize app creation, enabling users without programming skills to build simple software visually. Despite their innovation, they often lack flexibility for complex projects.

3. Low-code platforms

Low-code platforms blend visual tools with custom coding, bridging citizen and professional developers. They speed up development while preserving customization options.

4. Visual development

Visual development evolves no-code/low-code concepts, applying visual approaches to professional-grade development environments.

The term "visual development"

The terminology shift from "no-code/low-code" to "visual development" reflects this maturation.

Perception shift

"Visual development" moves away from the limitations implied by "no-code" or "low-code", positioning these tools as professional-grade solutions rather than simplified alternatives.

The term underscores the core strength of these platforms — the ability to visualize complex systems and relationships, which is valuable even for experienced developers.

"Visual development" is a more inclusive term, encompassing a wider range of tools and approaches that leverage visual interfaces for programming.

The term shifts the focus from the amount of code written (or not written) to the overall development approach, emphasizing productivity and efficiency.

"Visual development" better aligns with modern development practices like visual data modeling, workflow design, and API development.

What are the main benefits of visual development vs no-code/low-code solutions?

Visual development has matured significantly from its no-code/low-code roots:

Why use Xano as a tool
for visual development

Xano is a powerful platform for visual backend development that exemplifies the benefits of this approach. Furthermore, Xano is the only visual development tool that focuses on upskilling tech-savvy business users into developers. 

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Here's why Xano stands out as a visual development tool:

Integration capabilities

Xano easily integrates with other services and tools, making it a versatile choice for diverse tech stacks.

Comprehensive backend solution

Xano provides a complete backend development environment, including database management, API creation, and server-side logic — all through a visual interface.


Unlike many no-code or low-code platforms, Xano is designed to build scalable, production-ready backend systems.

Custom code integration

In addition to visual tools, Xano allows developer to write custom code using Lambda functions or microservices when needed, providing flexibility for complex use cases.

Rapid API development

Xano's visual interface makes it easy to design, test, and deploy APIs quickly, accelerating the development process.

Database modeling

The platform offers intuitive tools for designing and managing database schemas visually.

Workflow automation

Complex backend processes can be designed visually using Xano's workflow tools.

By leveraging a tool like Xano, developers can harness the power of visual development in their backend projects, potentially increasing productivity, improving collaboration, and accelerating time to market for their applications.

Visual Development Xano

In conclusion

The evolution from no-code/low-code to visual development represents a significant maturation in the field. It reflects a move from tools designed primarily for non-technical users to sophisticated platforms that enhance the capabilities of professional developers.

Tools like Xano are at the forefront of this shift, offering powerful visual interfaces that empower developers to build complex, scalable, enterprise-grade solutions more efficiently than ever before.

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